4. Runde
SV Werder-Bremen III – SV Lingen
Unseren 4. Oberliga Wettkampf haben wir im Vereinslokal des SV Werder Bremen bestritten. Zeitgleich fand im Spiellokal auch der Wettkampf der zweiten Bundesliga statt. Für mich als nicht spielenden Zuschauer auch sehr interessant. Die beengten Platzverhältnisse sorgten bei manchen Spielern für Unbehagen.
Pünktlich haben wir den Kampf aufgenommen. Die ersten beiden Punkten für Lingen holten Vladimir und Milos. Dank Mladen konnten auf 3:0 erhöht werden. Nun wurde es plötzlich laut im Spiellokal. Josip war irritiert und konnte sich nicht beruhigen, so dass der Schiedsrichter die Notbremsen ziehen musste und die Partie für Josip als verloren wertete. Als wieder Ruhe eingekehrt war konnte der Kampf fortgesetzt werden. Nun sorgte Lev mit seinem Sieg und Zyon’s Remis für den Mannschaftssieg. Zuletzt hat Aleksandar seinem starken Gegner gratuliert und nach Danilo‘s Sieg konnten wir die Heimreise antreten. Zu unserem nächsten Heimspiel am 21. Januar 2018 begrüßen wir die Schachfreunde aus Hameln.
2. Runde
Bremer SG – SV Lingen
Before the game we had some problems; We were late 7 minutes because we had problems with parking place and Epischin was not at the railway station.
Another interesting thing was that our opponents were playing with top 8 players from their club. After all of that we won 2:6
We were expecting at least draw from our first 6 boards, but we were fighting well on other two. Schlierf Heiko made a draw with much stronger opponent on 8th board and Milosevic Aleksandar was completely winning on 7th but he lost because of the lack of time.
Here is a video from this round:
Jovana Miljkovic
Runde 1
After wining Landesliga we started to play Oberliga where we also have big chances to win.
Our first 2 boards Perunovic and Kveinys could not play which was not pleasant for us, but we had luck because HSK Lister Turm also lacked 2 boards; 2nd and 4th.
I lost very quicky because I made few very bad moves and lost, but the match was not lost because Epishin made a draw, Gutman won and Heiko made an important draw with much stronger opponent (2281), so we had 2:2 in this moment. Danilo Mladenovic had many chances to win but unfortunately he made a draw. Aleksandar had completely winning position (+7) but he didn‘t see it because of Zeitnot and he agreed for a draw. It was 3:3 when Kollen won and we started leading for the first time in this match. Everything was depending on Gazic Josip. His game was very interesting and he succeeded to win in totally lost position after refusing a draw.We won 5:3 and everything fell into place even after my terrible loss.
Jovana Miljkovic